Today I listened to Desperate Measures: A Short Thriller Collection from Vincent Zandri. This collection consists of seven short thrillers the first six of which consisted of two Dick Moonlight stories and four other stories that weren’t related by the main character. I have to say each of the first six stories were highly entertaining, and the Moonlight stories make me want to listen to more of the ones waiting on my Audible library. The seventh story was markedly different from the first six stories in not just the overall story, but it was much darker than the others and was unsettling to say the least. I’ve been thinking about this story all afternoon and trying to describe what it was like. There were several times I wanted to stop listening and be done with it, but I couldn’t stop. I guess the best way to describe the experience would be to liken it driving past an accident on the freeway, you don’t really want to look, but you look anyway because your mind seems to need to know if anyone was injured or how much damage the vehicles incurred. That same morbid curiosity is what kept me listening to the end of the story. Along with the stories being entertaining, Andrew Wehrlen’s narration was top notch, he brought each story and its characters to life.