I dont mind a whole MC hates the system vibe, even if it is less fun. My main problem is that at the start the MC comes off as a 30s something gamer with a beer but and lost family.

Yet midway through it turns more so much rage start to hate the sky crazy rage and hes apparently 53?

Like no where at the start does he sound like 53, it all comes off like he was doing martial arts until a few years ago and plays mmos.

Not saying a 53 years old cant just it didnt sound like that more like the author changed it midway to give the character a deeper backstory of old man lost his family and blah blah rather than a middle age man lacking experience.

The story is fine enough even if he doesnt seem to do much with his class or evolve it at level 10 when they say more options to evolve unlocked.

Honestly not sure why he picked his class as it was. It was the best choice when he asked but then he got a mythical title which should have unlocked better choices yet he never asked if there were better classes now.