Their are 2 issues with this audio book. First, the narration is awful. It’s like a male movie narrator from 2000 is reading it all serious, but it’s need to be a real voice to resonate with me. It should be more casual, like how I would read it in my head, otherwise I can’t get into it. He reads soooo slow too, and I lost interest. I know for a fact their’s no possible way this guy really talks like that in real life. It reminded me of how they faked that trans Atlantic accent in 50s movies. It was so awkward to listen to, and it actually gave me a headache and I had to turn it off. 2nd, the author just goes on and on and on instead of getting to the point. It seems like they were just trying to make the book longer or something. their’s a whole damn chaper dedicated to him skateboarding as a teen, like no one gives af dude, get to the point. I’m sure if they did, it would be more like 5 pages of reading. it sucks I didnt get to hear the main point (if their even was one) cause I couldn’t get through it. Wish I had that hour of my life back