“My life as a human wasn’t all that great before. Now I’ve been reborn and being a monster is cool! Humans bad.”
~The above is essentially the trope of the story.

If a monster evolution story is a new to you, perhaps you will find more value in this trilogy than I have. While its premises and lore are interesting, the story exhausts itself about halfway through.

You’ve clearly won over an audience and my opinion may just be an unpopular one, but I hope to see more from you.

I am 31 hours into this production, here is what I have noticed…

The Bad:
1. Gags and catchphrases are repeatedly recycled. Two noteworthy examples of this are written at the bottom of this review.
2. The protagonist is made out to be smarter than they actually are. For example, in spite all of their (ant)elligence, they’ve conveniently neglected to try **writing or drawing** to communicate with other intelligent creatures.
3. Humans are cynically portrayed as incompetent, greedy, and two-faced. This is regularly foreshadowed by the thoughts of the protagonist and later confirmed by their actions. I find it rather tiresome, but I’m sure you’d have made James Cameron proud…

The good:
1. The performance done by the narrators was quite enjoyable! They really put in the effort to make their characters distinguishable from one another and even added reverb to non-verbal communication; such as telepathy.
2. There are some genuine chuckle-worthy moments in here that are not forced and do not rely on sexual innuendos. ‘Tis a breath of fresh air.
3. At the beginning of many chapters, there are supposedly excerpts taken from this fantasy world’s literature that never detracted from the main story. They provided depth to the fantasy world and I found them to be genuinely interesting.
Gag 1:
“Have a taste of my commercial/business district!”
~A line you will often hear in virtually every fight.

Gag 2:
“Oh Gandalf, it itches! The itch is unbearable!!”
~When undergoing every evolution.

“You can hit that skip button three times if this next part doesn’t interest you.”
~A wonderful addition to skipping over the reading of stat blocks, something that never mattered to me.