I find it so tedious when a character spends half the book fixating on someone while saying that they can’t be with them for some supposedly noble or just plain naïve reason when we all know they’re going to be in bed before the end of the book. It’s even worse when they keep making excuses for the character hurting, mistrusting and/or intimidating them -repeatedly- along the way. “I jumped in front of his attack! It wasn’t his fault!” Uhm…. he was going to KILL your father just because the guy was yelling at him? And you chose to get stabbed in your father’s place…. but let’s not blame the murderous twit because he’s just misunderstood and can’t help himself…. sigh. Nope.

Really, this series IS interesting. I like the world building. I like the history that it introduces. I like the mysteries and the political wrangling and the interactions of the various groups. But I really don’t like main characters who think with their hormones, have a fixation on a bad character just because he’s the attractive misunderstood bad boy…. and it drives me nuts how she says, “But–” all the time. I do recommend the story. I just want to thwop the MC upside the head every now and then. But don’t worry…she’ll be healed by the end of the paragraph.