OMG I absolutely loved this book and the narration was totally on point!! Raine is one of my favorite type of MCs. He’s a blurter and most of the time he’s all over the place. Some may even go so far as to call him a hot mess. But I didn’t care. I adored him. As did every single person who met him – (except maybe the grouchy HR guy, but he hated everyone it seems.) No one was immune to the charms of Raine and that goes double for Mr. No repeats Graham. The best part is that Raine is completely unaware of the effect he has on people too.

Graham was a bit of a contradiction. At work he could be seen as ruthless and cold hearted. He relentlessly pushed himself to increase his success. It left little time for anything other than work, sleep, and the occasional one-night stand. That is until he meets Raine, a man who is unlike anyone he’s ever met before. A man who intrigues him to no end. A man who makes him a better version of himself. And a man he just cannot get enough of.

Graham and Raine did have their struggles somewhat, mostly due to Graham himself. He clung to his work as a shield and because of this he almost ruined the best thing that ever happened to him. Thankfully he smartened up rather quickly, but it was rough waters for a minute there. The epilogue was lovely and it made me smile to see them so blissfully happy those few years down the road. I’m left with little doubt these two are in it for the long haul.