Let me start with the positives:

– The voice acting is superb especially the voice of the Mimic (also his name is great) and I feel like most of the characters are real engaging people.

– The mimic is hilarious and his battle cries are peak.

– The story while nothing new is told in an engaging enough way to keep you interested in how things will play out.

– The power system is easy enough to understand and unlike other similar titles in the genre the stats read off is not overly long and annoying to listen to.

Now for the negatives (the human MC):

– The MC is annoying there is no getting around it, he overly self-righteous which might not be a bad thing if told in an interesting way, but its not. Worst of all he constantly repeats over and over and over about how bad nobles are and how commoners are oppressed in almost the exact same dialogue every chance he gets which will grow tiresome once you notice it. Especially in the mid-to-latter half of the book where its clear the author was just looking to fill the pages.

– I found myself gravitating toward the mimic and other side characters and there stories over his which not a good sign. I will be trying the second book but if it falls flat again no amount of cake will salvage the series for me.

Overall, its worth a listen if you want a laugh and to see an interesting partner ship but not sure how much lasting power it has.