If you like “The Terminator”, you’ll like this book.

If you like “Blade”, you’ll like this book.

If you like badass main characters, well, you get the point.

This is a very action packed, contemporary sci fi book with a mix of guns and melee weapons. It has a unique “end of the world” storyline, solid characters, and enjoyable fantasy mechanics. I’d say the only thing that this book doesn’t have (and it’s okay that it doesn’t) is a romance subplot. I always love a little romance in a book but, it didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the book; so zero complaint from me.

If I had to complain about this book, it would be that the book brought up theology a lot. Nothing disrespectful or anything, and frankly, pretty well handled. Nonetheless, I always get a bit guarded when a fantasy book brings up real world subjects of a rather sensitive nature. It’s one of a few reasons I generally avoid contemporary fantasy. Like I said, though, it was pretty tactfully handled; regardless of your real world inclinations on the matter.

All that said, it was a really good book and am planning on continuing with the next one.