i give it a 3.5. I loved Resha at the start of it but it quickly changed. Her keeping things from her family about the stalker. She wanted to protect them but that’s putting them in harms way. She played the severity down a lot throughout the book, which was frustrating. Connor is the typical book boyfriend which I don’t mind. Yet I wish he would’ve put more distance between them after she healed from the loss. I’ve been in her shoes but seeing how she down played how she treated him. I couldn’t stand it, then asked if he was cheating on her. She seriously needs therapy. Her cousin destiny is something else. she gets mad at her about secrets and not including her yet she did it to her in the past. she married her husband with no inclusion of family or friends. yet she tells Resha she’ll be mad if they don’t have a wedding and elope. A hypocrite at its finest.
I wish it didn’t end with a HEA. With Resha naive ways it would’ve been better with a death to one of the characters. Then have a second part to the book.