Congrats to Mr Iliev and the publishers at @spokenrealms on taking it way too far. Given 94% of reviews think this is great, I’m sure you will ignore this but you should take it with a bit of caution.

The concept and writing of the book is good enough that I got over the childish, middle school sexual innuendo and tried to ignore the graphic sex scenes that add literally nothing to the plot or character development. For me, it was a needless destraction and asking myself why any editor would think it needed to stay. But when book three comes along and describes an violent and scaring rape scene with no warning, I needed to say enough is enough.

Yea, thats right .. this book decides to have it’s protagonist grow some tenticals and violently rape another main character for literally no reason. Did anyone think how a rape victim might receive this or was it all jokes and manga in the editors room? The book even goes into the emptional scars the victim had and the lack of remorse from the mimic. That’s some Hugo / Nebula writing right there.

So I didn’t finish the book .. tried and couldnt get past the caviliear nature of the rape. Unfortunately, I also tried and failed to return it because I paid actual cash instead of credits. I will not be reading anything else from Mr. Iliev which is a shame because the guy clearly has talent. He just needs a proper editor to get him past his old pile of hentai comics as inspiration.

To @jeffhays, I love your work and your reading was exceptional as usual. Sorry you picked this series.