4.5 out of 5 stars

For the first part of the book I had a hard time figuring out who was who and trying to remember who these people were and why I cared about them (sometimes it’s hard to know if you should put a “previously in ___” in books like these. Depending on how long it’s been since people read book 1 to book 2 it can be troublesome. But, after I got into the book and figured out who was returning and who was new the story picked up the pace for me.

Rudolph is a great storyteller and this story was a breeze to read even being a lot longer than the typical post-apocalyptic fiction I read. He was able to switch between stories without causing much confusion. And he is able to make you care about these fictional characters in a way that other authors should envy.

I like to try and write out about the different characters when I can but there were too many to list here, but know that Lauren and her growth as a person and a character is central to this story. Thankfully, she’s easily one of my favorite characters in any story, so that made this book really enjoyable for me.

Overall, This We Will Defend was a good story with a little more meat on its bones than the last book. I would bet that more people are happy about the longer runtime (or book size) at the end of this since Rudolph is able to really fill this book with character growth and a good story arc.

Kevin Pierce, as always, does a wonderful job on the narration and brings life to these characters. Male or female — listening to Pierce’s narration of the world ending just has the perfect ring.

I received a free copy of this book. It has not affected my review of my opinion.

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