If you came to this book hoping of some insight or instruction, even PROOF of anything, wrong place. I came into this with an open mind waiting for a shred of evidence of all this non-physical or paranormal stuff being even slightly true. All this book is in it’s ENTIRETY is someone telling “stories” of “I was going to sleep, I left my body, saw a woman, felt attracted to her, then went back to my body. This must mean there are other realms of being!” That’s it. That’s the ENTIRE book. There is NOTHING else at ALL. I was severely disappointed hoping for at least a shred of actual provable evidence. If this is the best claim of there being a world beyond ours, then consider me convinced there is not. The CIA connections are likely just a red herring or what have you to keep dumb, young, hippie types compliant. Don’t waste your money here. Get an actual book one something real.