I just finished listening to Stories Untold written by Leslie Wolfe and narrated by Andrew Tell. I found it to be a very moving story and Andrew Tell has done a wonderful job of narrating it.

Dr. Angela Blackwell, a prominent psychologist, is approached by a potential suicidal patient wanting her help but only to protect his wife from any suspicion of having any involvement with his death. He won’t tell her his name or any specifics about himself, just call him DJ if she had to have a name. He does not want to be treated, he does not want her “to fix him”.

Having abruptly lost her husband due to him asking for help from someone who should have but did not have any training to recognize he was in crisis, she did not want to be party to leaving someone else a widow who would have to live with the anguish and guilt that would come with trying to come to tetms with his death. Because it went against everything she believes in to not try to save him, she took him on as a client not patient knowing she was very likely going to have to be breaking rules of her profession in order to save him. She is determined to save him whatever it takes.

I had previously only read Ms. Wolfe’s Tess Winnett series so was unfamiliar with her other books. Stories Untold was a very different type of story but no less enthralling. I found the characters to be very well written, drawing you into the story, wanting Dr. Blackwell to find a way to reach DJ and convince him his life is worth more to his wife than his death. Mr. Tell narrates the story with a voice that is soothing to listen to yet he puts emotion into it without being overly dramatic.

I was gifted this audiobook by Ms. Wolfe but I had previously purchased the ebook. I can now revisit the story either by reading or listening whenever I want and I will want to because the story is just that good.