This story comes at you pretty strong early on! I literally needed a break by chapter 4 and considered not starting it again! But after finishing it, the violence you get early on really is used right as it sets the tone for the story and really lets you know what kind of danger the characters are in and how bad things can go for them!

I feel that this book is going to be unfairly lumped into that torture porn category, which is a shame because this author has crafted a phenomenal story and created a world where you are truly concerned for the characters safety!

This is my first Tom Jordan narrated stories as well and I can definitely say it won’t be my last! He is definitely up there with my all time favorites RC Bray and Will Patton. Jordan is one of those narrators who are telling you a story and not just reading you a book! He gives the characters distinctive voices that reflect their personas so you know he approached this like a pro!

As a horror fan, I cannot recommend this enough!