OK, I am a fan of both Jake Bible and Andrew Wehrlen and I am not ashamed to say it.

Razer Edge is another great space romp featuring the irrepressible Roak and a cast of wacky characters. What I like most about Bible’s novels is the range of different characters and species he can dream up and how he seems to seamlessly weave them into the story.

Yep, there was probably a bit too much wanton violence in this one, but it is done in good humour and in no way detracts from the tale. The only downside for me is that the story doens’t have a clean ending and it leaves us waiting on Roak’s next outing for a conclusion to his current problems. Nothing wrong with another Roak tale though.

As always Andrew Wehrlen does a great job on narration, keeping the pace right, separating the main character voices and generally luring us through the story.

Finally, I want to thank the author/narrator for providing me this book, free of charge, in return for an unbiased review.