Stasis is the first book of Kim Fielding’s fantasy MM romance series, the Ennek Trilogy. The premise is intriguing and due to the nature of the trilogy, I was really kicking myself for not purchasing the other two books as well after finishing book one in the middle of a flight. It tells the story of Ennek, the prince of a big and rich polis (city), as he discovers about magic, sinister happenings in the palace and in the city, and his journey to escape and somehow find love as well. That love includes ex-prisoner, Miner. In Ennek’s world, some people are punished by being magically placed in “stasis” (i.e. frozen in time) until they are forgotten, then they released after years or even centuries only to become slaves.

Ennek’s development as a character through this book is absolutely wonderful. He grpws a lot and learns so much that impacts his sense of right and wrong, as well as his empathy for others. He also has his fair share of fear and danger. Ennek is interesting – he’s a quiet and brooding character. However, when he says and does anything on page it is important, particularly to Ennek.

Joel Lesley delivers a marvelous performance for the narration of his book. Lesley is one of my favourite narrators and this is no exception. I love his ability to give different characters the voice that fits them the best. And then he delivers the lines with so much energy, I feel on edge and nervous when things are really heating up. I felt like I was in Ennek’s and Miner’s world from start to finish.