Again I was brought to tears within minutes of starting to listen. This series has kept me either crying, giggling or just laughing out loud within the space of minutes. You have to read or listen to each and every one of these books ! I promise it will be worth the price. I’m sure getting them in audiobooks is the best way to enjoy them but reading is probably just as good. I happen to adore the voice reading these books. I don’t give information about the books I review because I think telling others just how much I enjoy a book is just as important and most seem to think they should do a book report but that’s not my style ? . Now I promise if you love a book with strong female and alpha males then you will adore these books in this series ! Now I’m off to the next book ? wish me luck in not having people look at me like I’m nuts when I either start crying or laughing so hard I just a gut lol !