Narrators were great. The only one I did not like that much was Jay Alder, his performance was not my favorite, 3.5 stars for him. The rest t stars.
Charlie – he and Demi meet after the loss of his dad. He drowns himself in booze and meets Demi which sets in motion a sleuth of events. The push and pull comes to head, the anger and intensity turns to passion and over consuming love.

Jackson – he comes up with a plan to get close to Nessa to get her dad. She was supposed to be a means to an end Ha that was so far off. My heart broke for Nessa that girl went through absolute hell and it started with her mother. But she was truly a survivor. Jackson didn’t realize what he had until she endured more pain even from him.

Sawyer – he was not as open about who he was or what Xavier meant to him. Which cost him the relationship he had with Xavier. There was a lot sacrifice he made for sake of his family but his lack of communication cost him the most important person.

All the couples had one thing in common they didn’t communicate because they were guarded for different reasons. Plus the Elite played a part in everyone’s problems too. Great series.