I received this book, because I asked for it, in exchange for giving my honest opinion about this story.

This story is not like any others that I have read. This book is about young adults however as someone who is 29 I will have to admit that I really enjoyed this story. This story starts off very mundane nothing bad is happening nothing major is occurring but yet a plot twist occurs. I have to say that the beginning of the story set of pace for the rest of the book.

Commander Sturgis is who I would love to call a narcissist. She does not understand how any of the things she has done thus far is bad. Take for instance Half 9 AKA Tex, she really feels as though that is for child however that is not her kid. I do not care what she did in order to have half nine around but she is not that boy’s mama. I can actually go on and on about her however there are array of different characters that I would like to touch upon. Just keep in mind that Commander Sturgis is a lot more crazy then I’m letting on.

Now let’s get to my favorite character out of this entire story, Tex. He is completely beautifully written that all I want to do is hold him and tell him that "I don’t care what I have to do you will survive." Yes he is a deadly character however he has been caged for 17 years and I just want to hold him. The fact that he is a hybrid being means nothing to me. I loved his sincerity and I loved the fact that he was just so grateful of having true friends and they cared fo him. The fact that there are a lot of characters and other books that don’t recognize the fact that there is an array of different characters that care and support them and they are not genuinely grateful for it. However Tex recognizes certain individuals in his life and he embraces the fact that they are there for him.

Eika is someone who I don’t know if I like it or not. There are parts within the story where I 100% rooting for her and I feel like she’s such an amazing character and then she does something where all I want to yell at her "I just want you to realize that you are not the center of the universe!" Then she does something heroic and amazing and I just want to give her a high-five and tell her that she is such a badass. But then she goes to being selfish again and then I’m just confused.

Jack and and Ian arr interesting characters. Jack has this major thing for Erika and she just refuses to entertain him until the very end. Ian on the other hand is a bit self-absorbed and at times looks out for number one. I do not know how I am going to feel about Jack and Ian in upcoming books however I am looking forward to how they end up developing.

Generation was simply amazing and I have to admit that this book was so much better than I thought it would be. The synopsis had me a bit on the iffy side however as soon as Chapter 2 came about I was all-in. Onward and upward to The Makers.