I went into this understanding that the book was going to heavy with stereotypical manga tropes. However, I couldn’t even get to the main plot, let alone finish the whole book because the writing was just that bad – I’m a pretty stubborn person but Nightblade defeated me.

The story sounds like it was written by an 8th grader and I desperately want to send Ryan Kirk a thesaurus. The voice actor sounds like he hates his job and the pronunciation of the names is absolutely cringeworthy. The story in itself is quite unimpressive. You can tell the author tried to make the characters into your generic manga MCs but he even failed there and instead you’re served with half baked personalities on top of an already predictable storyline.

All in all, don’t read this book unless you hate yourself. Although on the bright side, if this book could get published then anyone can be an author. Don’t let your dreams be dreams I guess.