I wanna give compliments before criticism. the author has a lot of good ideas, and a lot of inspiration from Everybody Loves Large Chests. World building is good but under developed. Creative, but poorly executed. This story has a lot of potential, but as it stands, it’s like easy reading junk food, not bad, but not great.

The pacing in this book is all over and it feels confusing to read, jumping from lighthearted, to really sad, to lighthearted again. It could be done well, but feel like whiplash.

Sometimes things just happen, Elements are introduced and I dont know where the plot is headed. The power saturation in this game is both too much and poorly explained. I think the MC is ridiculously powerful? but severely limited? I don’t know what a very weak character is vs. an intensely strong character. Currency system could use expanding.

Characters do not seem to make smart decisions, and I often found myself thinking “well that was drastic, couldn’t you have done something far more reasonable?” I think more thought should have been put into character motivations.

Good luck in your endeavors.