I was pleasantly surprised and definitely impressed.
My go-to genre is “Blood and Guts.” I love psychological thrillers, police procedurals, murders, serial killers, and the like. I knew this was not going to be an intense read. That said, there were some really well thought out plot twists — I didn’t see Tallow’s real identity coming. (I thought he was someone else.) There were also some absolutely “coffee-out-the-nose” hilarious moments. I love sarcasm and there was much of it in Tallow Jones. I’m looking forward to the next installment.
I absolutely loved Agatha; she reminds me of a little girl I know. When I was reading the book, I actually read in her voice. The down side was when I was listening to the audio version, Mr. Tell voices Agatha like he does Tarah Woodblade. Maybe Trevor could get another narrator for this series to add depth and variety to the narrative.
Trevor has pulled me out of my niche. Other than reading Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” I hadn’t read much fantasy. Perhaps one or two other writers over my 52 years. However, thanks to Trevor’s incredible imagination and story telling abilities, I’ve delved more into the genre. I’ll never be a diehard fantasy fan; however, I no longer turn my nose up at “those” people.
I didn’t give it 5 stars because “Tallow” grossed me out. It’s rendered beef fat. You know, that stuff they made candles with “back in the day.” Nasty.