Personally I love the premise of a group of stranded people. I love reading about how they decide things, seeing the characters personaliies emerge and shift in stressful circumstances, and the choices they make to survive. Adventure, base-building, group dynamics stuff. This book though? So far it could all have taken place in a school cafeteria fashion showdown.
I am 3 hours into this book and stunned by the selfish, stupid, shallow, wildly unlikely and inappropriate actions and words of the main character. BUT i’m holding on because maybe the writer will settle in and start well, I don’t know, writing about the fact that the main characters are on a life boat with sharks circling? Like, ‘tapping watch’ sometime?
The overly dramatic narration is not helping the situation but I don’t think the reading style was the narrators call so id say the narration is perfectly fine and the audio quality is good.
There are so many books in this seres It MUST get better. For the time being though I have decided the only way to make this book make sense is to imagine that the main character is 15 that has read WAY to many bodice ripping romance books and just needs to wake the hell up to the realities of being a woman in 2024 and also probably the shark situation.