It started off strong for me. I liked the premise of the story, but the further I got into it, the more my WTF lines became a constant look. No, I don’t enjoy quantum physics lessons throughout my romance, thanks. I had questions that remained unanswered, maybe in book 2, but this was bad enough to make me not want to attempt that one. The worst part is – aside from the total ick I get when authors use a sibling’s Ex as a main character AND ESPECIALLY considering the things said brother did with the MC- was the way the story fell apart for me with the added what, races of people? Are they shifters, Demi gods? No idea, nothing was truly even remotely explained. It felt like someone decided to just toss in everything that was on the side and see what sticks especially after the overabundance of explanations we got at the start. It was disconnected to say the least.

Mr Graves however did a good job. I like him. He’s still on my list of narrators I’ll listen to.