This one is aimed at total beginning investors, those who have not studied or created an approach to somewhat consistently profit from market movements. It represents a competent baseline for starting one’s investing journey and makes a compelling case for why active management often underperforms the market and why passive index funds are better suited to most every investor.

My first problem is that the book makes this point about five different times, not including intro and conclusion. Secondly, assuming you are sold on the idea, there is scant guidance as to how to actually implement the proposed strategy. Instead, there is a caution that many so-called index funds do not passively track the market, and to watch out for them. Given the target audience, this is nowhere near enough information to enact an effective strategy.

Overall, it’s unnecessarily verbose or redundant, yet still lacking in useful strategic information about proper asset allocation or passive index selection. It says you don’t need an advisor and then suggests working with one to figure out next steps.

I’d recommend The Power of Passive Investing as a better introduction and jumping-off point for new investors.