I wanted to like this book but I couldn’t. the magic system is pure nonsense and it reads like a self-insert fanfic.

I think the reason why people have given it negative reviews based on the LGBT stuff. is because of how poorly written the romance is. it is just shoved in out of nowhere where the MC says something like oh man he’s so hot! but anyways.. it’s jarring and makes very little sense.

also the MC is supposed to be some kind of super genius. but he comes over as Facebook Smart. he thinks he’s smart and says all science words. but he’s really just a smug idiot. and the smug oh my God the smug. it’s cloying.

finally there’s the magic system which is utter nonsense. there’s a whole concept of you have to have insights but the insights are ridiculously simple! and yet somehow no one stumbles upon these insights. and everybody is utterly unwilling to share even the stupidest of insights even the ones that you’ll definitely figure out just on accident and they’re still like nope not going to tell you about it because it’s a secret! otherwise how am I supposed to hoard magic! it’s just dumb. and I can’t take anymore.