I loved everything, even the ‘southern accent’ at first was amiss but throughout the book it put me in that time period and made me open my modern temperament wider and begin to really see things from Mrs.Lincolns POV. I’m beyond disturbed at how much Herndon’s book still gets creedance today. I’m truly flabbergasted, umm, No I’m pissed. I watched an educated man give a lecture recently explaining how Mrs. Lincoln was truly disturbed and gave more kudos to Herndon. If one is in true awe of our 16th president then they must know that a person with values and ideals as true and right as Abraham Lincoln, would infer he would have never settled in a farse of a marriage. His conscience wouldn’t allow it in this girls 2024 opinion. Please let someone set the record straight, 100%. I of course mean about all of the nonsensical crap he made up, twisted, and lied about. And since I’m asking for favors please let another well researched writer like Mrs.Ruth Painter be the voice to do this most Necessary Task, before my end would be ideal of course. For the record this is my first actual review for audible after 10 years of paying the monthly fees. 😂
Review from Mary Lincoln →