Wow, things are only getting better and more exciting the farther we go into this series. “Good Intentions” is the sixth audiobook in the Adrian Hell series authored by James P. Sumner while the Audible edition is narrated by Gary Bennett. Both individuals resonate quite well with me when it comes to stories in the action thriller genre. There is intrigue, mystery, plenty of fighting and even a man with a moral conscience whose profession is that of an assassin. Could the series have been closed out during the previous audiobook? Sure, but it would not have been long before we would be wanting more of our favorite action hero, Adrian Hell. Even with the previous book being such a rollercoaster ride of both action and emotions, this latest in the series keeps the momentum going and there are many new and exciting facets of this character we get to observe along the way. I have to say, I continue to recommend this series and book six surely keeps the pedal to the metal.

The story opens in a rather unique way. It should not be a surprise that in the last audiobook, Mr. Hell was not going to get out of the situation alive. Yet, as with all great action figures, he manages to awake in a strange location, under stranger circumstances, while finding himself surrounded by some unique individuals. As only Adrian can say, “It is nice not being dead.”, and I would have to agree. Here our main character is inaugurated into a new and mysterious order where only the best of the best is recruited. In many ways, one begins to believe that Adrian may have been better off dead than alive. His relationship between himself and his new management is like mixing water with oil and setting it on fire, it is nearly impossible no matter how hard one tries. Mr. Hell has his own moral compass when it comes to performing his jobs, yet the new organization is asking him to assassinate people without reason or at least providing this to him. This greatly annoys Adrian, and he tries to work with his new employers to do things his way, without success.

I found the author did a wonderful job of using descriptive writing to provide a detailed picture of the surrounds. I found the sprinkled in backstory items a welcome surprise as it is always good to continue to know more about Mr. Hell. The audiobook’s narration only helps to emphases the story’s scenes and action. With the event of 4/17 being in the past, much of the world is trying to get back to more normal activity, and that includes both people intent on doing good and evil. Adrian is sent to help relieve the world of all the bad and by doing so possibly usher in a new world order. Adrian needs to better understand the actions of his employer and if their activities are for the good of all or just them. With the new Adrian alive and the old one dead, I was somewhat surprised that he was not given some form of plastic surgery in the event he ran into some of his old acquaintances. Instead, he must dodge security cameras and often take the long way around to not be discovered.

Why does Adrian not just run away? That is a great question. He has been implanted with a device that can be used for tracking and killing if such measures are required. If he runs, he is dead. Even with all his technical knowledge, he is unable to override this new collar and if he tries, he is a dead man. Again, with all his previous ties to Tory and Josh, he now has to completely fend for himself and do what he is told, or he will be the one on the other end of an assassin’s gun. To make matters even worse, as Adrian is performing his new role, he seems to always be running into GlobalTech technology and people, but why? This desire for information puts Mr. Hell on the wrong side of nearly everyone, and this is one task that he will not be able to complete alone. Even with the addition of some new colleagues, we often hear him asking, “What would Josh Do” or more simply put, WWJD. The audiobook has a good amount of humor, emotional events, and tension which makes it a perfect additional to the action thriller genre.

Gary Bennett is such a wonderful narrator in so many ways, and I can say that I have never been disappointed with any of his works. The audio is always highly professional with little to no audio patches. The characters are continuously narrated with the proper voices, even when this involves over six books currently in the series. The pacing shows and the use of inflection displays the narrators understanding of the material and with such a smooth voice as Mr. Bennett’s, it seems to really fit the main character. Another wonderful addition to his narrating career.

For parents and younger audiences, this audiobook, and the series, is geared towards mature listeners. Even though it could be enjoyed by nearly everyone, it does contain a solid amount of both adult themes and language. There is also a high content of graphic violence which may not be appropriate for younger listeners.

In summary, if you like action and thrillers, you cannot go wrong with the series. Adrian continues to surprise and innovate over the many audiobooks, and I think that is for the better. The narration is solid and clean while the writing is enjoyable and picturesque. This audiobook in the series shows a very different Mr. Hell, and I look forward to is continued adventures.