Dennis Hauck has used the term Age of Enlightenment to argue for the notion of the Monad. He implies that the important philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment agreed on the notion of the Monad. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is the only of these philosophers who introduced the notion of the Monad. Leibniz was Christian. The great philosophers of the time influenced one another but did not agree among themselves much less argue unanimously regarding the Monad. No other ever mentioned the Monad. Hume, was accused of atheism. All of them were criticized, some persecuted, for arguing for the right to consider ideas in opposition to church doctrine. This argument alone, the right to free speech, they held in common. Hauck drags Einstein into his doctrine. Einstein pointed out at one time that he had been quoted for things he never said. It’s the curse of being famous that you will be misquoted. The doctrine of Hauck is a mosaic of misquoting.