Wade McClusky & the Battle of Midway

David Rigby

I found the book interesting. There are many people in history who become famous for a small window of public events, who we only know for those few seconds or hours and know nothing else about. Wade McClusky is one of the many I wanted to know more about.

His decisions during the Battle of Midway very likely saved lives and won the battle. We cannot say that definitively, but it is logical to believe so. I did not know he had so many detractors who claim he did these things wrong.

These arguments are likely made by people who have forgotten one the guiding principles of any fight. The best laid plans seldom survive the first shot.

I do believe the author used too much filler language. Some explanations to make a point are necessary; but some are not really pertinent to the subject at hand.

Overall, the book was informative and interesting. I would recommend it to anyone focused on the battle and its participants.