4.5 out of 5 stars

I rarely pick up a book that surprises me, but Neil Turner’s A House on Liberty Street did. I’ve read a lot of thrillers and this one had the fast-paced feel that a lot of them get but put it in a courtroom. I still can’t quite figure out how Turner did that. It also had all of the twists and turns that I’ve come to love, and in some of them I might have said out loud “No way!”

A House on Liberty Street starts with a wild opening scene and after that launches into the legal battle that ensues when former corporate, now learning to be a criminal lawyer and a public defender puts up a battle against a slain police officer’s counsel. It turns into a wild ride that I didn’t think could happen inside of a courtroom.

It’s also weird going into a book that I know has more books in it and for about 98% of the book I couldn’t figure out how there was going to be a second book at all. When it finally clicked I started laughing and got excited to check out the next book.

I love it when I can pick up a new book by a new author I’ve never heard of before and enjoy it like this. It brings back that joy of finding a band that none of your friends have heard yet. A feeling that I feel like I’m honored to get to experience over and over again. And this book gave me that feeling. I enjoyed this one more than I expected and love that feeling.

I think what surprised me about A House on Liberty Street was the amount of heart it had. On the surface, it’s a story about a son helping his father. But under, it’s so much more. I love how much Turner was able to make me feel for these characters. When the final story was unfolding I was smiling and even shedding some tears. It has the right amount of payoff that you want out of a thriller.

Overall, I enjoyed this one a ton. Having Gary Bennett narrate it just launches this one into the stratosphere for me. He was able to perfectly match the pace that Turner was setting. The court battle goes up and down and is mostly at a frantic pace – and Bennett was able to take me on that journey that Turner intended. I love it when a narrator can do that and Bennett has been quickly climbing into the echelons of my all-time favorite narrators.