I like the world the story and the whole op mc vibe of I have done this all before so now I will perfect it. It speaks to our own wishes to do things over and do them better. To be able to correct all your mistakes and become a perfect version of yourself. The not struggle part is also not a problem for me, he is an OPMC and that is ok. Also the book strongly hints that there are other very powerful forces working against him and so struggle is likely coming min the future. Yes the talking like an old man is very slightly douchy but honestly it doesn’t really bother me, it is a very minor part of the book. I love all that. Further my favorite genre of books is LitRPG. For my taste the cards, being the RPG part of the story are not given enough attention and love. Though they are clearly a incredibly important part of the story they are not treated as such. I love progression and lot and gaining awesome things and that is minimized in this story. I wish the author would give those things more time. At some point he upgrades most of his cards and we do not even get to hear about what happens. You can see the changes in the afterword but you do not hear them in the story. That hurts me, I love that stuff! I also wish that when he upgraded the quality of his cards they would change and become a new better spell of boost etc. In conclusion, I really enjoyed this book but if the author keeps minimizing the RPG parts of the story I will eventually lose interest in the series. I sometimes feel as if authors add the litrpg to capture that audience(like me) and then slowly phase it out since the author really isn’t truly a litrpg person. I hope that is not true here. I have had to move on from a lot of stories that did this and I hope this is not one of them.