Caddy is the most annoying character ever in sci fi and Lana is the second. Jeff Hayes is a phenomenal voice actor, but this isn’t close to his best work. Bulco feels like he has to get weirded out by every little oddity, even when tensions are high he has stop and comment about how weird something is. Caddy is unfunny, insanely annoying, and constantly sexually harassed Lana. Zirk was nothing but ra ra my honor and virtue. Nori was ok but definitely leaned a little too hard on the no killing principle. Oh and don’t get me started on the eating scenes and the yawning. Jeff Hayes voice made me wanna dig my eardrums out. I had to skip through those parts. Like I needed to hear the sound of people smacking on food or yawning in unbelievably loud and high pitched voices. The constant shifting between using regular foul language to using weird family friendly swearing made me feel like the author couldn’t decide who his audience was.