When I found out that Craven was writing a continuation of the first book in this series I was excited.  And then I found out that Kevin Pierce was going to narrate the audiobook I was thrilled.

The Opus’ storyline isn’t one of a typical post-apocalyptic book.  There isn’t an apocalypse to speak of, but it is about a prepper and the prepper lifestyle (and how it can help you in everyday life).  Opus Odyssey is a great example of that.  I would call this a prepper book first but then a thriller second.  It was totally different than most of the books that I read and I loved it for it. 

Opus Odyssey tells the story of a cross-country trip to PrepperCon.  Along the way, Tina is live streaming and providing social media updates to all of Rick’s fans online.  They are showing their routes and what they are doing as they meander their way across the country.  Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan. 

The story itself was great, I found myself riveted throughout.  I didn’t realize this was going to combine my favorite parts of the first story and throw in some mystery and thriller aspects that I enjoy.  It really took me for a ride. 

If you read the first book, you know that there are three main characters: Tina, Rick, and Opus.  Opus is the best of these three.  His personality is by far my favorite and reminds me of my dog (and other dogs I’ve met in life).  Able to "answer" with different huffs and chuffs. All three have been set up well in the first book and then continued in Odyssey. (If you haven’t read the first book in this series, check it out before jumping into this one).  I, once again, appreciated the self-depreciation and introspection into the life of a self-published author in Rick.  Those scenes were still some of my favorites. 

But, overall, if you like a good thriller then this book is for you.  If you’re a prepper or like to think that one is none and two is one, then Opus Odyssey is for you.

I was voluntarily provided with a free copy of this book which has not affected my review in any way.