There are way too many classic romance tropes, but they’re all used SO POORLY. Snow is a classic “virgin princess” type to the point where he is literally ‘white as snow’ but it doesn’t make any sense since he’s a kid who’s been homeless for years. There is absolutely no edge and the “don’t trust anyone” thing gets thrown out the window pretty quickly in the story. Chirstopher is supposed to be the “beast” in the “Beauty and the Beast” frame, but he is nothing but sweet, kind, and caring; except for that ONE TIME.

You’d think for a crime mafia setting there would be more edges or roughness around the plot, but most of it is spent with only the two protagonists making eyes at eachother in the crime boss’s big masion. No exciting chase scenes, no mysteries to uncover, no stakes anywhere (even if this book tries to make trivia night and an elementary school talent show have stakes), not even a betrayal.

I think I would have really liked the book if it was framed in a sweeter setting. A lot of the dialogue between the two main characters could have been such a good high school fluff book with how sweet it is (that’s a good thing btw). Re-framing this story as a homeless kid is found and befriended by another who lives an afluent life would have been a better choice for Chirstopher and Snow’s lovestory. In my opinion.