If you are in the search for a series of action thrillers, look no farther than the “Adrian Hell series”. The series starts off strong, but the wonderful writing and narration keeps the excitement coming even into book number five. The series is like a title wave that slowly grows into something that can devastate an entire city. Yes, “A Necessary Kill” is the latest installment in the series and this one seems to pack a punch that the previous ones were not able to achieve. If you have been a fan and listened to the audiobooks in order, you know it all leads up to the big climax, and I can say that it is one Hell (pun intended) of a ride. James P. Sumner (author) continues to team up with Gary Bennett (Narrator) to bring the Adrian Hell series to life and I can say that all of them are done very well. Nearly all the audiobooks in the series end with a surprise, but this one tops them all with a rather new twist. It excites me to know what comes next in the series. If you are one who enjoys action thrillers, you will find this an entertaining series, and this one holds the reigns as one of the best yet.

In a way, I would say that this is actually part two of the previous audiobook in the series as it starts right where the last one left off. The world is very different and now Adrian needs to focus his attention on the most difficult target he has ever faced. He is already known to be the most wanted man alive. He even admits to himself and others that this may be the last mission he will be able to complete, and the level of difficulty does not even assure him of victory. One of the best assassins may have met his match. In this series, we see even more of Adrian’s emotional side. We see his dedication to friends and family, yet he knows the risks he must undertake to right these massive wrongs done too so many. He even said that it would be the impossible hit, and he knows he cannot do it alone. There is no more time for rest in his past retirement and wanting to settle down. Not at all, instead he needs to act and try as much as he can to complete the task at hand to save the world. I would not want to spoil it for the reader, so if you want to find out what happened, I recommend you pick up the audiobook and give it a listen.

Nearly everything in this audiobook seems elevated and heightened. Adrien even tries to distance himself from those he knows and loves to keep them out of the mess he has gotten himself into. The fights are bigger, the technology is cooler, and the action is a non-stop tap that continues to overflow with excitement. How is Globaltech involved? What about Josh? There are many questions that are fully addressed as you progress thought this story. For me, I always enjoy the various pokes at companies that make me want to laugh out loud. Here we get some insight into the Dunkin franchise and a perception of people who live in New Hampshire. All in good fun and laughter. As stated earlier, we get to see a few different sides of Adrien as well throughout this audiobook. We see his deep-seated revenge against those who wish harm to those he loves, and even those who have been wronged. For an assassin, I have enjoyed seeing his moral ground, yet he does have a tight hold on his desire for swift revenge. Adrian is a rather complex individual who has continued to grow and develop over the series. After this audiobook, it will be interesting to witness his next direction.

About the audiobook’s narration, I have never been disappointed by anything narrated by Gary Bennett. His works have a high level of professionalism, and he knows the stories he is reading by adding the necessary inflections, etc. I do not recall any issues with the audio itself and the character voicing is consistent thought out as well. Mr. Bennett has voiced a number of different genre of audiobooks, so I’m sure you will find one you will like of his. For me, it is the smooth and reliable flow of his voice, even for a long running series, that I enjoy the most. I just glad such people take time to bring audiobooks to the masses.

For parents and younger listeners, this audiobook contains quite a bit of profanity and graphic violence. There are also a few more mature subjects that may not be fully appropriate for younger listeners. I would recommend this audiobook for only mature listeners.

In summary, this latest audiobook in the series is loaded with both caffeine and adrenaline. The action is heightened, the fights are impressive, and the target is believed to be impossible. The narration is strong, consistent, and well delivered. It really is a rollercoaster ride that has many highs and many lows, yet this one has multiple big drops that the listener may not see coming. Pure entertainment.