This is one of the most entertaining books i’ve read in a long time. The unfortunate part is that for some reason the bitrate/quality of this audio is pretty rough, but you can tell a ton of effort and time was put into the actual production. There are audio effects, used subtly, The world building is fantastic. The dialogue serves as world building rather than just exposition. And as stated, the humor is genuinely funny. I haven’t had a book make me laugh like a lunatic a long time. If you enjoy He Who Fights with Monsters, or Defiance of the Fall, guaranteed you will love this. I thought the cat would annoying, but standout character. I thought the “interview stuff” would be lame filler to add a faux bit of friction, but, instead, they are almost a character themselves. Just like the game. Really great stuff. Give it an hour or so for the audio to click in your head, by two hours, if you haven’t at least chucked, probably not for you 🙂