Despite this book being 11 hours long it feels like very little progress is made before the last few minutes. Firstly the entire book covers less than a week of time. Most of the book is spent fighting through the time accelerated dungeon. Our heroes grow more powerful and the delve deeper into the dungeon but the main story is put in the back burner until the last couple chapters. If you were interested in the expedition well that sucks because the spend very little time on it at all. I doubt the story would have changed much if there wasn’t an expedition at all and the characters just grinded levels in the dungeon.

Also a lot of the conflict makes no sense for one the assassination attempt that happens at the end of the last book? They just ignore it. And after it happens a second time, the main character knowing exactly who it is, they just leave it alone. The argument they use is that the person behind it is to powerful to challenged, but Ruin is trusted by the head of the entire cities work force who is shone to have no problem throwing her weight around. Why not just tell them? It’s dumb.

Also the dialogue is painful sometimes. For some reason no one can ever just say something . Everyone always has to have a witty comeback. Every conversation that could be ended in a moment is stretched out because every characters needs to have the last word.

I think the first review on the next book was one of those “this is where the story really starts” so I guess I’ll check it out but honestly I don’t recommend this series.