If you’ve been following along, we met Alec and Cronin in book one – fated mates, one human one vampire. It took until book two for them to finally complete the bonding process and they risked everything for the conversion. Now we finally get to see just what a “key” is made of and what he can do with his newfound talents.

It’s not a surprise when I tell you that Alec ends up with not one, or two, or three, but ALL the vampire skills and it’s a bit overwhelming. There is yet another crisis to save the world – a portal which opened up upon his conversion allowed in, the Zoan (sort of gargoyles, lycan, werewolf… creatures who are very bad and can stop time!)

In the end there is lots of drama – some loss of good friends – some reconnecting with past friends and lots of ooey gooey lurve between Cronin and Alec.


I’m having a hard time rating this… on the one hand I really liked that we got to spend so much time with Alec and Cronin as a couple and I loved that we got to see all the cool things Alec could do! That was amazing. By then end of the book I really felt like their story was complete and that’s a great feeling.

However, I missed the electrical connection we saw in books one and two between Alec and Cronin as there were few smexy times and most of the book was devoted to the conquering of the Zoan. So I missed the “romance” in this romance.

I appreciated the tied-up loose ends and the really happy future that got laid out for our MCs and the nice, tidy ending for some of the secondary characters, but I missed spending time alone with our guys.

Overall, it was a great series and a nice ending and I recommend it to fans of the series highly.

3.5 of 5 stars


Again Joel Leslie does phenomenal work with this. All those unique accents and the emotion! So wonderful! Highly Recommended as the best way to enjoy this story!

5 of 5 stars

Overall 4.5 of 5 stars