I don’t understand why this series has such a high rating. Obviously the author has never read or applied the story grid to the book. None of this works. It’s confusing. The prologue should have established what starts the end of society, eg AI gone awry. No, we don’t get the first idea of the Teotwawki event until a third of the way through the first book. There are too many personal stories happening at once that really have nothing to do with the book. There is no need to establish all of the painfully predictable personal drama in its minutiae it’s all connected like some literary Frankenstein. The story works badly and should be put down by the villagers.

It’s insanely difficult to go on past the first 13 chapters. I’m ready to call it good now, but I wasted my money on it so I am going to finish listening to this disaster. Maybe it gets better, but I highly doubt it will.