I began hearing about this book last year, well before its release, and was eager to dive in once it became available. I preordered, saw its delivery straight to my Kindle on release day… and then, life. Between books pending review, work, kid, and an already ever-growing TBR pile, this one somehow fell aside.

So when I got the chance to review the audiobook, I was rather pleased, despite the fact that I never, ever listen to fantasy audiobooks that I haven’t read first. I generally find it too easy to get distracted, and harder to pick up on the characters and the world-building that the author so painstakingly creates for their readers.

Having said that, I really did enjoy Born at Dawn, so much so, that it deserves a reread in my usual approach (something I will save for a little closer to book two’s release).

Neva made for a compelling main character – her self-confidence set against her desire to learn more about the powers she was given strikes a close enough familiarity to Throne of Glass’ Aelin that Maas fans will notice, but not be deterred from her unique development. The usual romantic trials and tangles that often plague YA fantasies is present here as well, however it is simply a slow burn that creates interest without detracting from the story.

I was also pleased to find that, despite the author setting up a multi-book landscape, the world-building here wasn’t so grandiose that the reader would get lost.

In terms of the audiobook itself, the narrator is fantastic with her range and ability to separate the characters on the page, and I had no trouble in following along with her storytelling. She delivered the intensity perfectly, where I often found myself setting aside whatever I was supposed to be doing at the time, and simply listening in.

Fans of this genre will absolutely find similarities to other popular books alongside it, but there is enough unique creation in both the diverse cast of characters and the driving plot that I think it will be an instant favorite to those who give it a try. I am looking forward to a reread where I can truly escape within this world, and am absolutely looking forward to book two.