This is a really fantastic start to this trilogy. I love that from start to finish, the action is nonstop. Also, you don’t get any info dump type chapters because we are thrown into the middle of a mess and learn alongside our MC, which I definitely prefer.

The worldbuilding and magic system are done really well. I enjoyed learning about the different clans within the race of Da’Valia. I definitely would like to see more of the history of the Da’Valia explored in the future.

I enjoyed our heroine Neva. She is ignorant to much of the Da’Valia, so the reader gets the opportunity to learn the culture and magic alongside her. Neva is also fierce, protective, and has had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to provide for her family.

There is a romance subplot, which I overall enjoyed. I’m not going to give away any details on that.

I definitely want to see where this series goes!

Thank you to the author for providing a review copy. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.