Okay, I think I have to actually take my time while reviewing this book for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s my fault for going into this book completely blind and not knowing what it was about or what was going to happen. Totally my fault. I will admit that when I got far enough in the book that I started getting uneasy, you better believe that I immediately went to the reviews to find out what I had gotten myself into. Then I had to make the decision whether or not I wanted to go on….

So, I decided to continue. *Big breath* This was a very difficult and controversial topic that the author decided to tackle in her book and the one thing I need to say was that the writing was truly spectacular. The subject matter on the other hand was at times, well, it was difficult. Difficult to …….see, I don’t even know what word to use, to read, to stomach, to think about…. All of those fit, but the mitigating factor for me was that the world in which all of this occurs was also built so realistically that it was just a crappy situation all around. Am I condoning the behavior? No. But, I can see how with the breakdown of the nuclear family, the absence of fathers, the reality of living with drug addicted parents – all of these issues faced by people who through no fault of their own are raised in situations beyond their control – of course they will cling to someone who shows them love and tries to care for them. BUT….and there is a big BUT….I can not say in good conscience that it is an excuse. I do honestly believe that Kellen found someone who he felt needed him and he did his best with his frame of reference. Where I REALLY had problems was that no one – not Wavy’s mother, her father….no one ever said, “Hmmm, it might be a bit inappropriate how much time Wavy and Kellen are spending together” Especially when he bought her the ring. But again, look who they were.

Okay, off my soap box. The story did what it was supposed to for me. It invoked feelings. Some good, some bad. I was able to see things from Kellen’s perspective and understand his thoughts. I was able to see how Wavy was doing the best that she could with the resources and references that she had. This book definitely invokes FEELS. And the CRAZIEST thing of all was that it made me angry with Wavy’s aunt for her actions in trying so hard (and for so long) to punish Kellen. See, that reaction shocked the daylights out of me. Definitely impactful writing.

Part of me wants to go and read more reviews now that I finished to see more reactions (because when I ran to the reviews in the beginning, it was more to understand the storyline), but I’ve decided to just write my feelings and stay with that – whether right or wrong – because that’s what they were when I was reading/listening….my feelings.