Among many genres, one of my favorites is one that is referred to as the philosophia perennis. To further elaborate, the trope usually centers around a young main character (usually male, but not all the time) who starts off leaving his domesticity to embark on an adventure where he battles forces (interior and exterior), carries the day, and later on comes to full spiritual expression. Such examples would be The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Matrix, Eragon, and so forth. This book was no exception to the rule. I really love seeing that this is only the first book, I am very much looking forward to what more can be done with this story, how the main character will develop, and how the world in which this book creates will be further expounded. What makes this book even more engaging is the superb versatility of the narrator. He really gives the characters their own distinct identities and makes their personalities shine. There were times I almost felt like I was watching a movie or TV show. I’ll go so far as to say that this should be discovered and adapted because this would be great either or.