Humm… What’s not to like? I have read several different Apocalyptic Thrillers written by several different authors, and while I like some, and I’ve loved a few, there are yet some that left me with more questions than answers. Some just sounded a bit too outrageous to contemplate it actually happening. A scenario like this is 100 percent within the realm of possibility that it could happen. Especially with our borders wide open and a Government that couldn’t give a rats ass if it did actually happen.
Reading this book series (The Borrowed World) and watching the News everyday goes hand and hand.
The characters seem to be real people and the blood and guts seem real. Nothing is sugar coated, the author writes with genuine heart and soul. Terrorism is real and it’s bloody, those that seek to harm innocent civilians are out there and they get off on inflicting as much carnage as humanly possible. His writing focuses on that fact and I’m glad that he has what it takes to show it in his writing. Bravo to the Author.
Review from Blood And Banjos →