I had the pleasure of reading this wonderful novel a couple of years ago and jumped on the chance to listen to it immediately after I found it on Audible.
This is a romance novel, and it was certainly filled with it. The chemistry between the two main characters is intense, but that is as it should be.
However, what makes this novel special is the number of serious subplots that run throughout the novel.
Two sets of professional aspirations.
Sexual predation in the work place.
Romance with a country and a marvelous city.
Artistic expression.
Cultural absorption.
Wonderful secondary characters.
The double meaning of the title.
And more.
As I read, I fell in love with the city, which I have had the pleasure of visiting multiple times, all over again.
I want to thank Lisa Gold for allowing me entrance into her creative talents. I will also emerge myself in her other novels that are now available on audio.
Lastly, thank you for the wonderful narration that made me feel as though I was actually present for hours.