This series has grown on me as it has progressed. The voice acting is, in my opinion, fantastic — not going over the top, but being more than just a bland read. I originally got the first installment when the unconventional heroes books started failing to out me to sleep — but don’t get me wrong: I find all these voice actors great for background when I need to let go of a hospital shift and can’t silence my own thoughts, because the voices have all been soothing enough — but it isn’t the stories that put me to sleep. They have all been imaginatively satisfying (even if there are some points in the unconventional heroes series that don’t align, and that a strong editor would have filtered out.). If you are coming straight out of the unconventional heroes series you may find the different world and different voice actor a bit jarring, but either give it a chance or come back to it later. It does improve, and the characters start to develop more depth.