I really like the storyline and world building. it’s strongly reminds me of a lot of other titles in the same genre like apocalypse: reborn which is one of my favorites.

The constant traveling at the expense of accumulating strength early on felt like a poor choice initially, but I suppose it makes sense for someone to prioritize saving their friends so that sort of seems in character. The argument is often made that those early advancements palen comparison to “the long game is so to speak”

I I did like the supporting cast and I think they contributed a lot to the overall story though. oftentimes the power scaling seemed a bit wonky.

My only real complaint regarding the story is the last 2 hours. The detailed meticulous manner the main character is able to predict the response of city eadership showing that he is a highly intelligent individual and has thought out this plan b… almost to the extent that makes me think plan b was always plan A since plan A was garbage…

Which makes me wonder why he didn’t execute plan b the moment he arrived in the city, or at least soon after leaving. that would have preventing people from gathering there in the first place. That would have reduced the likelihood of any human casualty while also making himself completely anonymous.

It’s like a bad interpretation of the trolley problem, as you have the ability to know in advance that there’s going to be someone on the track. You can both adjust the track in advanced to dodge the large group of people and direct the trolley to only hit the one person, but with that future knowledge also prevent the person from being on there in the first place.

Instead, he decides to let it play out so there are people in danger and choices the option that forces himself to make a morally grey decision on the off chance that the supposed “plan A” paid off… again, it’s like the trolley problem but knowing all the variables in advance and still allowing it to play out so you can sacrifice the lesser your number for the greater good or something.