First the good.

The protaganist and his box are great, fun to listen to and compelling. The Narration is amazing, the mimic’s noises and voices, the characters sound raw and real in their lines. Funny at times too!

The bad.

Things just happen, problems are solved before they have time to exist. Villains are talked up just to get demolished on a whim or conveniently added object or character. Plot points are added just to be violently ripped away from you or snuck out the back like an uninvited guest.

Example (Spoiler light): Oh the baddies are closing in on our hero! I wonder how long he’s going to have to evade- oh a knight in shining armor saves him. But the knight has a dark and mysterious past he says he doesnt want to talk about. I wonder how they will gain each others trust, oh that night they will I guess. But there are still mysteries surounding this guy…. that that get resolved the very next day. In the span of a week every person gets introduced, lore dumped, resolved and then all become best friends forever while somehow ignoring the not so subtle mimick on this guy’s sholder. There are times the writer forgets our hero’s companions watched the mimick eat someone alive, and just breezes past conflict or drama they have with our hero.

To end its a good light read, but a headache to follow or invest in.