I found myself a little surprised when this book was over. It seemed to go very quickly for a 7 hour audiobook. That’s probably a lot better than having a short book feel like it’s dragging on forever. But it did sort of end up feeling like nothing of real substance happened.

It’s cute, and silly, and “fated mates” in every way, even if the whole “twinned souls just means there’s potential”. I find that having any sort of freedom and still forcing it into a fated mate mold doesn’t work. Either do something where the relationship still has to build, or don’t bother and make them the fated mate wingbats that you clearly want to write. But, if you like fated mates or people falling in love on a dime it’s a pretty fun romp. I don’t like insta-love at all, and I was mostly still just amused with the whole thing.

The dragons are a little much for me, and the world building is definitely lacking. But this is very much a story that’s about smashing magical creatures together and being all lovey-dovey. It’s a very nice, easy listen, and most people should find it pretty darn enjoyable.

I don’t think I’ll be continuing with the series. It just isn’t in my main wheelhouse of “I could listen to this 100 times on repeat”. And I do not think the professor/student relationship will be handled well, at all, given the other things I find lacking in a general writing sense. And, it feels like it would have made a lot more sense to carry along this pairing in a very background way through the other books as time continued on, and to have the “epilogue” happen in more of a “real time” sort of way with everyone than to jump 5 years right at the end for 5 minutes. It feels odd to do a time jump at the end of book one, instead of just picking it up at that period in the second book. But, choices.